How to find out who is viewing your Facebook profile?

who is viewing your Facebook profile

According to one report, around 27 million fake Facebook accounts can lead to data theft from Facebook profiles. To avoid this, the user should keep checking from time to time who has done the tracking work for his Facebook profile.

The personal information of individuals is recorded on the social networking platform Facebook. But you should be careful while using Facebook because according to a report, there are around 270 million fake Facebook accounts which can lead to Facebook profile data theft.

To avoid this, the user should keep checking from time to time who has done the tracking work for his Facebook profile. With this, you can get the information of a suspicious person who may misuse your Facebook profile information. Tell us how, with a few simple Facebook tips, you can find out who’s snooping on your profile.

Who is viewing your Facebook profile?

You need to log in to Facebook in the browser first because Facebook Peek can’t be tracked in the Facebook app.

After logging in to Facebook in the browser, the user will have to visit the profile. Right-click on the Facebook profile, after which you will see several options. Apart from that, you should visit View Page Source Code.

You can also use the CTRL + U command to visit the view page source. Then using CTRL + F, find BUDDY_ID.

There will be 15 numbers next to it, you need to copy them. After copying, you must enter numbers. Then, after searching, you will be able to see the person who viewed your profile.

Note: If you think that someone might steal your personal information on Facebook, it is best not to befriend someone you don’t know on Facebook. If you’ve already done so, stop befriending him. Additionally, keep your Facebook profile locked so that no anonymous person can see your Facebook profile.

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