How to Send Gmail without Internet? Let’s know Some Simple Steps

offline gmail feature

Gmail is very important nowadays for sending mail or documents in just a second. Nowadays Gmail is very fast used for official and personal work. To use Gmail, the Internet is required. But what happens when you have to match something important and your Internet data is complete?, In this situation, your work stops, so now Gmail has brought a new solution to this problem. Now you can now use and Send Gmail without internet. In fact, Gmail has been changed your interface and it is completely different from the old interface of Gmail and in new Gmail has added some new feature, one of which is offline Gmail feature.

What is Offline Gmail Feature?

Users can read emails without the Internet, by supporting offline Gmail feature. You can also send them by mail. Not only that, it can be done to eliminate unwanted emails.

If you follow the steps listed below, you can use Offline Gmail Feature

You will need Chrome browser version 61 for this offline Gmail feature. Download it

Then go to the top left of Gmail and click the Settings access option. Next, click the More Options for the next options.

Now there will be three options in the menu bar, click the Offline tab.

Then click the Enable Offline Gmail Feature. Then, you can use Gmail without the Internet.

Previously, the “Undo Send” feature was changed to users in Gmail. This feature has been added to the Android version of Gmail. Version 8.7 of this feature is displayed. Email sent with this help can be deleted. This feature was provided in 2016 for the “Undo Send Gmail without Internet” feature. Let’s tell you that after many years of testing, this feature was launched in 2015.

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